Created with Highcharts 10.1.0Chart context menu22.7M33.9M46.7M59.6M72.5M85.3M96.5M

Pre Tax Profit 변화 날짜
Airbnb USD 622M 1.11B 2024-12
Bright Horizons Family Solutions USD 89.51M 18.51M 2024-09
Cogna Educacao BRL -138089000 205.71M 2024-09
Cteh -989000 1.16M 2024-06
CVC Brasil Operadora e Agencia de Viagens BRL -16432000 17.98M 2024-06
Grand Canyon Education USD 291.32M 236.85M 2024-12
K12 USD 129.76M 77.6M 2024-12
Light & Wonder 81M 27M 2024-09
Perdoceo Education USD 43.21M 9.15M 2024-12
Propel Funeral Partners AUD 14.01M 25.2M 2023-06
Ser Educacional BRL 15.93M 36.17M 2024-09
Shine Justice 14.17M 7.51M 2024-06
Strayer Education USD 39.64M 6.12M 2024-09
Teno Holdings JPY -265000000 288M 2024-12
The Lottery Corporation 192.7M 107.7M 2023-06
YDUQS Participacoes BRL 141.45M 122.25M 2024-09

Adtalem Global Education 전 세금 이익 - 현재 값, 이력 데이터, 예측, 통계, 차트 및 경제 달력 - Mar 2025.