Lebanon Imports from Bulgaria of Ethyl Alcohol (Less than 80 degrees), Spirits, Liqueurs was US$530.07 Thousand during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Lebanon Imports from Bulgaria of Ethyl Alcohol (Less than 80 degrees), Spirits, Liqueurs - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on May of 2024.

lebanon Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade -397.35 -1217.25 -182.55 -5575.08 USD Million [+]
Current Account 591.30 185.60 2099.70 -3046.40 USD Million [+]
Current Account to GDP -30.90 -12.90 37.80 -57.50 percent of GDP [+]
Exports 89.49 230.04 615.89 26.69 USD Million [+]
Imports 486.84 1447.30 5825.86 268.55 USD Million [+]
External Debt 40419.00 41614.00 41614.00 315.00 USD Million [+]
Capital Flows 2005.30 1076.10 5755.80 -2085.70 USD Million [+]
Remittances 1158.70 1165.20 1378.50 -248.90 USD Million [+]
Gold Reserves 286.83 286.83 286.83 286.83 Tonnes [+]
Tourist Arrivals 261557.00 151846.00 574974.00 4771.00 [+]
Terrorism Index 1.56 3.40 6.61 1.56 Points [+]